Monday, July 03, 2006

The Wish I Never Thought Would Come True...

Ok, so I'm 31. I have had my drivers license for a few years now, but have had no car to continue practicing on. Never have owned a car... well, at least not my own. I am, of course, partial owner of our "family" car. My husband drives that car, but it's too big for me (he has a long commute). I have wanted just a little car to get comfortable with. If you've been reading my blog you know I have struggled with a fear of driving. As corny as it sounds, I got a book that has helped me immensely... so write this down if you have suffered from the same problem... It's called Zen Driving by K.T. Berger. It's actually pretty funny in parts since he obviously finds truth in Zen philosophies, but he also sees humor in them as well. I won't get into specifics, but this is the book I needed to get over my large mental hump. Also, the stars are aligning and we are being given some money so we can get a second car. Please keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. I should have it by the end of the month. Then the journey really begins...


Blogger Genna said...

Not only crossing my fingers, but sending you a good luck hug, as always!


4:35 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Good luck on your quest for a car. That's all I'll say, considering my recent luck with cars. Keep us posted!!

6:58 PM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Ge: Thank you!! (((HUGS)) to you!! How's your new beginning??

Gr: Thanks Green! I hope your luck looks up in the car dept. Poor, poor Beast...


7:33 PM  
Blogger x said...

i have a fear of driving too. i have dreams of driving and making a mess of things on the road.
Crossing fingers and toes. xxxxx

2:13 AM  
Blogger gina said...

how do you "do your job" without a car?? you will love it once you get comfy. wishing you lots of bravery and luck. you can do it!!

6:07 PM  
Blogger Deanna said...

Have fun with it! Vrooooom!

2:21 PM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Chloe: Try that book, if it's something you want to conquer... it sounds totally silly, but it relaxes you...

Gina: I am part of a team and I work on researching properties and set up appointments, do the contract work and lots of computer-based things... the stuff I like to do while others skitter around on the road...

Maddy: Oh... the Westfalias bring back memories of Portland, Oregon to me... all the hippy parents of my friends had those. They were the best!

Deanna: Vrooooom, indeed... I will! Was glad to see you had a great 4th. Your girls are growing up sooooo fast.

xo all, S

2:44 PM  
Blogger Kayla said...

Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you...
Does "Zen Driving" pertain only to driving, or are his principles applicable to other fears?

11:49 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Hi Kayla!
Thanks! The book is actually a good overall metaphor for overcoming things that hold us back by simply calming down and allowing yourself to relax and enjoy things you never thought you could. I am not sure if it ties in to all things, but I could see it being applied to tapping into a more peaceful state of mind about things that get you all riled up. :o) xoS

5:06 PM  

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