Back to Church
I pretty much stopped going to church when I left my parent's house (college). I started up again sporadically but was always on the move so really had no time to let roots take hold. I then lived in somewhere else after grad school and after working there for over 8 years following school, my husband and I did a few months at a near by church which ended up rubbing us the wrong way. Now, we find ourselves feeling more settled than we have anywhere and started looking for a church a few weeks ago. Mainly we are after the fellowship. While we are much happier here, we still feel a sense of disconnect. We hope a church family will help. So far it's going well. We have been involved in a few of the more social events and have been attending regular services. Religion has been a rough thing for me. I won't go into major details, but I have always identified more with my mother's chosen religion. My father's religion, however, was the one my sister and I were raised with. It was a religious experience that I felt revolved more around a guilt complex than anything else. Luckily, my husband (M) has had a long history with the religion my mother belongs to. I am hoping M & I can learn from each other when it comes to our backgrounds. I am also hoping we meet lots of new people and begin to build some friendships. Now I just need to pray that this will stick. I am still afraid that some event will occur that will turn me off from church again. If I sound conflicted, it's because I am... but I'm trying to give it all a chance!
I'm glad to hear you are going back to church and giving it a chance!! That is great! I don't know what church you are attending, but one of my favorite authors is the pastor/founder of a (now very) large church called Cornerstone Church in your city. His name is John Hagee and if his writing is any indication of the man then this would be a great place to go.
If you do try this place out I'd be interested in your opinion. I'd love to attend one or two Sundays here to see for myself...
I have heard of Cornerstone and do know a few people that go there. They weren't quite what I was looking for, however, the people I know that do go there, LOVE it. I am an Episcopalian now though I did grow up Catholic.
I am glad you are giving it a chance.
I had a really bad childhood experience with church. We were treated very badly and it took me years to get over it. I LOVE the church I go to now...It is not perfect and there are some things I don't like. But that's where I am supposed to be right now.
I hope this church is everything you need. If not, realize that you can always church shop some more.
Church shopping is something I do VERY well. :o) Hopefully I've made a purchase I can live with now... jk...
Hugs, S
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