Tuesday, January 10, 2006

What is Your Sesame Street Persona??

Can you believe it!? I'm Elmo!! I hope that doesn't mean I'm ever-so-slightly obnoxious... I can handle the cute part, but that voice for any extended period of time can be wearing... Stole this from Chloe... read on...

You are both somewhat organized. You have a good
idea where you put things and you probably keep your place reasonably
clean. You aren't totally obsessed with neatness though. Elmo has the
same basic approach. His place is pretty tidy, but he doesn't spend all
of his time cleaning it up.

You both are abstract thinkers. You definitely are not afraid to take
chances in life. You only live once. You may notice others around you
playing it safe, but you are more concerned with not compromising your
desires, and getting everything you can out of life. This is a very
romantic approach to life, but hopefully you are also grounded enough
to get by. Elmo's whole life is based on fantasy and his imagination.
In the beginning he was a regular character, but now he spends most of
his time in this fantasy world.

You are both somewhat extroverts. Like Elmo, you probably like to have
some time to yourself, but you do appreciate spending time with your
friends, and you aren't scared of social situations. Elmo spends some
of his time with real friends, but he also needs some time just to chat
it up with his goldfish.

You can take it too! :
The Your SESAME STREET Persona Test written by greencowsgomoo


Blogger Tim said...

I stole this from your blog & put it on mine. I am Snuffleupagus.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Nabeel said...

i'm not sure about the persona .. but my favorite sesame street character is Count Von Count .. (The Count) the spelling vampire .. he's just soooo coooool

11:34 PM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Green: It makes me happy that someone is Snuffleupagus! :)

Nabeel: The Count IS cool. My husband imitates the count sometimes... one, one ringy dingy, two, two, ringy dingys, three, three...

7:39 AM  

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