Help Me, Obi-Wan Kenobi... You're My Only Hope...
In the spirit of Green's comment that I resemble Carrie Fisher circa Star Wars... I coincidentally got a letter in the mail over Christmas from my childhood friend whom I used to play Star Wars with... This usually meant I was Han Solo and she was Princess Leia. This is the first I've heard from her since I moved after 3rd grade from Portland, Oregon to Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Oi! It was truly out of the blue. So... as I child I never got to be Leia. Now you've got me thinking, Green... perhaps I need to fill that void... host a Halloween party this year as Princess Leia... hmmm.... No dining room table needed for that! You be the judge... this is the closest my hair has ever come to being Princess Leia-esque... Too funny!
Oh, man. My lightsaber just extended (blush)
TGW: Bizarre...
Scribe: So, that is a lightsaber in your...
Far as you know? Yes.
sarafina: Being a Star Wars nut - the comparison was a compliment of the highest order - (just in case you were wondering)
Can I call it right or what? These pictures have just cemented this opinion inside my head. (Great, all I need is more cement in my head.) ;>)
I just pray to God you don't ever get to look like Carrie Fisher does now. I certainly hope you age better than she did. Yikes.
Interstingly enough, after I made that comment I looked up Carrie Fisher on and she will be 50 in October of 2006. Imagine that - Princess Leia at 50. Man do I feel oooollllllldddddd
PS don't touch scribe's lightsaber. Ziggy's gonna do that.
Green: From one Star Wars nut to another... I took it as a compliment of the highest order. My sentiments exactly on the status of Carrie's current appearance... hey, you live hard and it shows...
I don't know who Ziggy is... but Scribe's lighsaber is safe on his side of the cyberstream... ;)
Ziggy leaves comments on scribe's blog occasionally. Sorry, bout that.
Most younger folks aren't as into Star Wars as some of us old farts, like me.
Do you like the original trilogy better than the more recent films?
I think they're all great.
Green: I have to say I'm a fan of the first 2 in the original trilogy. It's not that I don't like the others, but I definitely have a soft spot in my heart for those 2. The more recent 3 made me point and laugh... mostly b/c of the dialogue and acting being not as snappy.
Hi Honey! I think that Princess Leia should try to be you. You are beautiful!
I am sure your husband would enjoy the dressing up idea! :-)
no, no, ziggy simply ignites my saber.
Genna: Thanks and thanks some more... it's clear I need to come here for some ego feeding... :) The jury's still out on Leia a la bondage.
Scribe: Not going there...
sarafina: what does your hubby think on your resemblance to Leia?
He'd probably like the bondage thing/outfit. Have fun with that & keep the details private....some things we don't need to know.
Wise choice to let the saber issue drop.
Thinking I'll keep the "resemblance" a secret until Halloween or until a movie fest hits the tv or revival theatre... then we'll see if role playing follows... :oO
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