Put it in a bubble... and blow it away...
Letting things go is often easier said than done... I think that's why we deaden ourselves to bad baggage with food, tv, gossip, and any number of distractions so we don't have to deal with it. I do it constantly. Often I don't even talk about what's been bothering me until it hits the boiling point. I was watching an old episode of Dharma and Greg... you know... the hippie dippy girl with the uptight guy... She was trying to come to terms with her bad doings in the past 7 years by asking those she did wrong for forgiveness. She would just straight up tell them what she had done and pantomime putting it in a bubble and blowing it away. It was meant to be funny, and it was... until I starting thinking about all the things I have let sit and fester over the years. The little things and big things that tug at me out of the blue that make me feel less than confident about who I am. The things you try to ignore. I wonder if you gave others a chance to come clean to you in this manner... would they take it? Would they get all earthy crunchy just to blow that badness away - to gain some peace of mind? I would.... if I knew it would end that nagging feeling of having made a bad move... one time when... I'll let you know if I overcome that fear. I have lots of fears and a fear of not being forgiven is one of the biggest. Does putting your fears in a bubble and blowing them away do the same thing? I wish... I wish... I wish...
You are off to a good start! I never watch television but I somehow managed to see, years ago, that very episode you describe. I found the whole idea ludicrous. I love my grudges :)
Welcome to the world of blogs!
That would be perfect if you could just blow it all away and let the wind have it.
To me, I love my blog. It allows me to get rid of all of the things I hang on to--things that I am too afraid to say out loud or things that hurt way too much. Once it is on the page and I publish it, it relieves some of that anguish. I feel lighter, happier, less hopeless. I still have much to deal with, many fears to overcome as well. One day, one post at a time!
Great post! :o)
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