Open House Fest!
Normally this time of year it's difficult to get good attendance at open houses. I am a realtor, among other things, and November and December do not tend to be busy months. Between all the California investors coming over and plunking cash down for 4-5 properties at once ranging in the 200K - million range and lots of military relo, it's been super busy! I've held 2 open houses each weekend since November started and have had record attendance.
One thing I've noticed is that you can tell a lot about the personalities of individuals when they are walking around an open house. Some say only nice things, but you can tell they HATE the house. Some come through and do nothing but complain about the layout, color scheme, etc. However, they don't just leave, they stay longer than everyone else... longer than even those that make the offers! These are the people, I suspect, that stay in miserable situations just so they can bitch about them. They don't try to do something constructive with their time... they just like to complain about life in general. I, of course, like the ones that can see the positives (even if the house isn't right for them). It's almost like they want you to feel good about it, like it's your child. I try not to get emotionally attached to the houses I'm selling, so these people make me giggle inside a little. I just tell them be sure to pass on their compliments to the owners. When I walk through a house, I have on my poker face. However, I do walk quickly if it's a house I do not like... that's my tell...
As December nears I gear up for more Open Houses and hopefully some more sales. I hope everyone is recovering from their post-turkey and shopping mall stupor!!! Manic Monday is just around the corner... embrace it with open arms and don't forget .... you CAN freeze turkey soup... you DON'T have to eat it all now! :)
Sounds like you are a busy lady!! Is the market crazy there? Here in New Mexico, the market is NUTS!! (I work for a real estate appraiser.)
Hope you have an awesome week. Good luck with the open house.
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