Odd Habits
I have been tagged by my friend Genna. If you don’t visit her blog already, add her to your list! She is amazing, smart, witty, strong, and beautiful.
These are the rules I’ve been charged with: "The first player of this game starts with the topic "five weird habits" of yourself and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals." I hope I can live up to this!
1) I can never just step onto an escalator… it takes me a few seconds to get up the nerve… especially if I’m holding anything in my hands like shopping bags. I let my left foot linger over the moving steps until I get up courage and then I hop on.
2) I blow on ice cream as if it’s hot when I have the first few spoonfuls. Then I realize I’m doing it and I stop… Only a few people have noticed me do this.
3) I “surf” in my sleep. My pillow always ends up lengthwise under my torso.
4) I often dream things a few months before they happen. Sort of a premonition thing.
5) When I watch the news and see murder or kidnapping stories I can usually figure out what profile the culprit is going to fit. As a result, I have stopped watching the news, since this is a habit I want to break... it freaks me out too much. Instead, I read the news… for whatever reason, if I read it, instead of watch it, it does not have the same impact. The last time I watched the news was during the
Whew! Now, I tag the following….
Thanks, Girl! Hope you are doing well! I have been having problems with blogger and haven't been able to visit as often as usual. I am trying to get this fixed.
hmm .. i don't understand this tagging concept .. but i read your post and .. well the (2) entry .. about the icecream .. that's very interesting .. let me ask you this .. were u every burnt (u know the mouth burns) by hot coffee or tea etc?
do you do this with everything you eat or is it just icecream?
I am the same with escalators...
Genna: I too have been having problems with blogger... hope yours get resolved soon too! hugs, S
Nabeel: It's like a game of tag... as in, "You're It"... so now your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to offer up 5 of your odd habits on your blog or here...
About the ice cream thing... I often burn my mouth, though not badly enough to warrant this compulsion. I only have this issue with ice cream.
Wenchy: Do you get a sense of vertigo on bleachers too? Odd thing is... I have gone bungy jumping, sky diving and no fear...but bleachers and escalators... hmmmm... odd stuff
oh i got tagged!
i'll do my best! :)
okay found it. i had done this a few weeks ago. so here are five weird habits again for you:
1. when my son leaves for school in the morning, i go on watching kids programmes on TV for about half an hour. It shoothes me!
2. I listen to CDs, radio and TV in the background simultaneously.
3. Cold water has to be served in a cold glass.
4. I sweep the floor with the old fashioned broom, then use the vacuum cleaner as a dustpan to just collect the dust.
5. I never actually shut down the computer. I just exit all windows and switch off the screen.
weirdo eh?
Miss you! :)
Hi Friend. Do you mind if I add you to my link list on my blog? XO
Not at all! I’d be honored! :) Sorry I’ve been out of pocket lately… life has just swept me away for a spell! Hope all is well with you! Hugs, S
Ummmm, sarafina, dear - are you still there??? Should we send for scotland yard to come find ya?
The Hounds of the Baskervilles are dragging me out... am composing a return message... PROMISE!! :) Thanks for checking on me...
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