Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I'm BAAAAaaaack

Thanks for all the well wishes. I am feeling MUCH better. I appreciate all the virtual greeting cards, phone calls, etc. I had the biggest thrill yesterday when I heard from a friend that Heidi Collins on CNN did a story on Celiac Disease. I was equally as excited when I saw that my hero Gluten-free Girl gave it a plug as well on her blog. I am not quite 100% yet, so I apologize for keeping this short, but... here is a note I sent to all my family and friends and I will share it here with you as well...

Since many of you have asked me about the disease I have, I thought I’d send you this link to a story that ran on CNN yesterday. It’s quite thorough and not very long, so if you’re interested, take a gander. It does a far better job of explaining this crazy disease than I! I hope you’ll forward it on to those who have been diagnosed with Celiac or who may need to visit the doctor to investigate it as a possibility… Finally finding out what was up with my own body nearly two years ago changed my life! I’m hoping that if I send it to enough of my friends it will help someone else.


P.S. – You can also find lots more info. on this site: http://glutenfreegirl.blogspot.com/ That’s where I found out about this story. I’ve been reading this site daily for over a year and it’s been a real comfort to me… pass it on to others if you think it will help. Thanks!

I promise to post again as soon as I can... much love and xoxoxoxS