Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I have a love, love relationship with food... Sometimes it’s my body that I’m unhappy with though… simply because it just doesn’t adjust as well as it should to my food intake... goshdarnit… stole this meme from Vesper.

How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, with a drop of olive oil in the pan and just a hint of milk in the eggs – definitely fluffy.

How do you take your coffee/tea? If ordering from a coffee joint it’s usually a soy latte of some variety… my tea… redbush chai or green tea.

Favorite breakfast foods: Larabars (ok, I know I shamelessly plug them, but I’m allergic to gluten so I do love them so since I can’t have granola or energy bars…), also omelets and brown rice toast. Fruit is sometimes good too – kiwi, grapefruit…

Peanut butter: smooth. I go through phases with p.b. I usually don’t ever eat it, but sometimes I get a craving… usually it has to do with a chocolate accompaniment of some kind, so I can’t blame it solely on the p.b. Also, like Vesper, I only like unsweetened, please!

What kind of dressing on your salad? Annie’s Naturals g.f. Roasted Red Pepper Vinaigrette … my FAVORITE!

Coke or Pepsi? I don’t drink anything carbonated (except Perrier).

You’re feeling lazy. What do you make? Popcorn… if I’m feeling really lazy…. For somewhat lazy moments mung bean noodles (aka Cellophane noodles) with pesto or marinara (I keep these both in my freezer since I have to make my own). Mung bean noodles take just a few minutes and are a great sub for pasta! I’m Italian so I LOVE carbs… I just can’t eat a large percentage of carbs b/c of my CD. If I have more time and energy I’ll do rice pasta…

You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order? Can’t order pizza… however, I’ve considered opening my own GF pizzeria… I instead doctor up one of Amy’s rice crust cheese pizzas with some turkey pepperoni and some veggie or another… that only takes 12 minutes… fast enough for me…

You feel like cooking. What do you make? Roast chicken with roasted sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts (see below). And for dessert… GF apple pie with homemade gelato! MMMMM… I guess I’d also have to be VERY hungry too…

Do any foods bring back good memories? My mother’s Asian chicken wings with white rice. My grandmother’s gnocchi and calamari. My dad’s linguini w/ clam sauce & frittatas. Lots and lots of popcorn.

Do any foods bring back bad memories? Raw peanuts… I was once chased down the street by a woman on Halloween who I was scared of (she was dressed as a witch) … she was dead set on giving me a bag of peanuts… She thought I was afraid of her… I was afraid of having to eat the contents of that bag… I had been sick for hours the week before after binge eating peanuts with a friend of mine (we were six and decided to have a good old fashioned eating contest after seeing an episode of Little House….suckers…)

Is there a food you refuse to eat? Raw peanuts, capers, walnuts, mint jelly, anything with gluten

What was your favorite food as a child? Fish sticks, Hamburger Helper, Animal Crackers, eeegads….

Is there a food that you hated as a child but now love? Can’t think of a single one.

Is there a food that you loved as a child but now hate? Anything with gluten.

Favorite fruits & vegetables: fruits – honeydew melon, raspberries, strawberries, kiwis, Macoun apples. vegetables – bell peppers (all colors), carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, spaghetti squash, acorn squash, jicama

Favorite junk food: ice cream!!

Favorite between meal snack: handful of raw cashews

Do you have any weird food habits? Sometimes I try to cool off cold things by blowing on them like I would a cup of coffee… it’s silly… but I’ve been caught doing it before and it’s a reflex I can’t control… just a quirk…

You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on? Salads. Soups.

You’re off your diet. Now what would you like? Dark chocolate

How spicy do you order Indian/Thai? Verrry mild… but I LOVE I/T food…

Can I get you a drink? Water (any kind)

May I get you a drink? Margarrrrita!!!!

Red wine or white? White, pinot gris

We only have beer: Is it GF? If so, yes PLEASE!

Favorite dessert? GF chocolate mousse from Bistro Vatel in San Antonio.

The perfect nightcap? A hot cup of decaf chai with a couple of small chocolates to melt in my mouth.


Blogger missy said...

When did you find out that you are allergic to gluten?

I go to cooking college and we try to do gluten free versions of some of the food we make.

missy xx

1:57 PM  
Blogger Ruth said...

I found out I had Celiac Disease in January '05. With so many Celiacs out there we really need people like you in the kitchen at restaurants!! My dream is to one day have enough money to hire people like you to open a restaurant in London that only serves GF food!! Of course, I'd move to London too! xoS

2:07 PM  
Blogger gina said...

Good Lord child, that has got to be hard to manage. sounds like you find a good variety though.

3:58 PM  
Blogger Mellowdrama said...

yummy blog, there now you have done it, I am going to rummage about my fridge and pig out:) My fav fix a big block of cooking chocolate, here in India, the dark chocolate is never dark enough :( I believe gluten is a no-no at many restaurants, in fact most people i know avoid it as much as they can.

12:31 AM  
Blogger Gary said...

Reading this post has driven me to the kitchen! I love food and would be happy with a small menu (although I range pretty far). It would include:

- good dark coffee
- red wine
- olive oil
- good cheese (goat is nice)
- roast vegetables of about any kind
- salad with weird greens
- salmon on a grill
- a little piece of dark chocolate
- avocados

By the way, many of your music choices in your profile are from my generation - guess they still hold.

I can't get enough of Van Morrison these days - he must be in his 60's now...

5:38 PM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Gina: It can be a challenge sometimes, but after I got some help it became much more manageable. I just have to be careful and don't eat out all that much.

Mellow: Seems like chocolate hits a nerve with just about everyone. I just LOVE dark chocolate... my favorite thing would have to be dark chocolate truffles... I know at several Indian restaurants I've gone to here, they do offer GF alternatives. I am always VERY appreciative.

Gary: Range is wonderful! I often pair things one wouldn't normally put together... It sounds like you and my husband like a lot of the same foods! I have always loved VM... my parents used to play all kinds of music when I was growing up so I have quite an ecclectic collection... used to DJ too, so that has helped to broaden my taste. I find that many people in my age group tend to listen to a pretty wide variety in general. Of course, I would not say that applies to most native Texans... I am not a native, so I do not HAVE to have country in my rotation. I do like some though... I just don't have my radio set to all country all the time... :o) Hope you had a great meal this eve!

GD: Thanks! Will do.


6:59 PM  
Blogger sophie said...

I am adicted to Larabars!!

8:33 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

S: What's your favorite??? Apple Pie is my hands down fave... They are my breakfast on the go. They also serve as a lunch sub if I'm stuck at a function/restaurant with no viable options for me... :o)

9:11 AM  
Blogger Heidi said...

I'm starving after reading this. And even the brussel sprouts look

3:54 PM  
Blogger Ruth said...

H: I hope you had some great food today. The only way to eat brussel sprouts is roasted ... use olive oil and salt and pepper... They really are good!xoS

6:18 PM  

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