One Book...
Was tagged for this one... I went to grad school to become a librarian and was one quite happily for 8 years. I believe I always will be. If I ever find the right library again, I will rejoin the library world. Cross your fingers for me. This meme was a snap for me (though difficult to just stop at ONE for each).... Oh yes, thank you Green for the tag!… now on with the meme…
1. One book that changed your life: Diary of a Young Girl (Anne Frank)
2. One book that you’ve read more than once: Madame Bovary (Gustave Flaubert)
3. One book you’d want on a desert island: William Shakespeare – The Complete Works (duh!)
4. One book that made you laugh: Me Talk Pretty One Day (David Sedaris)
5. One book that made you cry [or feel really sad]: Death Be Not Proud (John Gunther)
6. One book that you wish had been written: Family stories written down by all my grandparents.
7. One book that you wish had never been written: I really couldn’t think of one, so started doing some searching to get possible ideas… came across this link of “Worst 100 Childrens Books of All Time“ and it really frightened me … oh someone has A LOT of free time… I did laugh a little too… ;o)
8. One book you’re currently reading: In Cold Blood (Truman Capote)
9. One book you’ve been meaning to read: My nightstand overfloweth…
I love Goodnight, Moon! I have seen it in so many different languages, too.
I've been meaning to read Madame Bovary... and D Sedaris is wicked.
Also, I want to be a librarian in my next life! :-)
missy xx
I read Goodnight Moon to my kids when they were young. Not my fave however. I like Dr. Seuss books, esp. "Oh Say Can You Say" and there's another one like that which the title escapes me right now. I also like any book written by the late Shel Silverstein. My fave of his right now is "Runny Babbit"
Excellent answers....
i enjoyed reading this list! you've read a lot of classics, it seems. me, not so much. perhaps a trip to the library is overdue (pun completely intended). ;)
Hi Sarafina,
Long time no blog, eh?
Miss seeing you around.
Anne Frank was quite the pivotal character in jr. high school reading.
Green tagged me for this too, but I've yet to do it..
Really not much of a reader beyond work related articles!
M: Yes, love Sedaris! The 1.5 years worth of grad school was worth it to become a librarian. I was lucky enough to do it for 8 years... maybe again someday.
G: I LOVE Shel Silverstein too. I have all of his books.
R: LOL! You're quite the punster. ;o)
K: I promise I'll be back soon... work has been nutso. I miss you guys! xoS
that's a good meme. maybe i can tag myself!
C: Yes, please do! Would love to see your answers to these! xoS
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