I'm BAAAAaaaack
Thanks for all the well wishes. I am feeling MUCH better. I appreciate all the virtual greeting cards, phone calls, etc. I had the biggest thrill yesterday when I heard from a friend that Heidi Collins on CNN did a story on Celiac Disease. I was equally as excited when I saw that my hero Gluten-free Girl gave it a plug as well on her blog. I am not quite 100% yet, so I apologize for keeping this short, but... here is a note I sent to all my family and friends and I will share it here with you as well...
Since many of you have asked me about the disease I have, I thought I’d send you this link to a story that ran on CNN yesterday. It’s quite thorough and not very long, so if you’re interested, take a gander. It does a far better job of explaining this crazy disease than I! I hope you’ll forward it on to those who have been diagnosed with Celiac or who may need to visit the doctor to investigate it as a possibility… Finally finding out what was up with my own body nearly two years ago changed my life! I’m hoping that if I send it to enough of my friends it will help someone else.
I promise to post again as soon as I can... much love and xoxoxoxS
Thank you for the mention. More, I'm thrilled to my toes that I can be a comfort to you in my website. I'm even more thrilled (past my toes?) that you are feeling better.
keep taking care of yourself.
so glad you are better!! i am gonna go check out the links. xox
i like that blog you linked to. i don't have celiac but i've got friends who have it. glad you are back! xxx
Welcome back my friend. I'm glad to read that you are feeling better!
S: Absolutely! Incidentally, I received all kinds of emails from my friends telling me about how they or their friends are now seeking out your blog.
Gi: Great new picture. I hope you enjoyed glutenfreegirl
CM: I actually did a school project (perhaps 20 years ago) on the Soweto uprising. I have always loved that name. Thanks for sharing and hope you'll come back to visit soon. PS- Cookie Monster rocks!
C: I'm glad to be back too... missed you xoS
Gr: Thanks for the welcome. I am so glad to see your upside down face again... xoS
Hi Girl!
Glad you're feeling up to blogging again.
I know about this disease, but have never personally known anyone with it.
Sheesh! Takes alot to deal with it, eh?
Keep on hanging in there!
s: did you have a nice Thanksgiving?? Hope so, sweetie.
Green: Yes! I did. I hope you did as well... I have just been busy with lots of stuff, but hope to post soon. xoS
have a happy -and healthy- new year my friend. xxx
So quickly back and equally as quickly gone again. Two months without a post...
are you still feeling okee dokee health wise???
Hope so, do I.
Thanks C&G:
I appreciate your thoughts. I will be taking this offline permanently I think, but will keep my profile so I can post in response to others. If I feel up to it in the future I will return! xoS
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