Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Effort to Slow Down...

I've been taking dr's orders and sleeping in when I can, taking time out to do things that are truly relaxing and drinking LOTS of water. It's helping, it's just difficult to switch gears so abruptly. I used to find it easy to relax after a long day of work, but lately my mind just races around and even sitting down isn't relaxing...

I have been swimming a lot. Our pool is a welcome invitation after a long day, but it all depends on when I get home. I used to swim competitively so it's interesting coming at swimming from a relaxation standpoint.

I have been watching movies at least twice a week. Some of the latest have been Pumpkin, Brokeback Mountain, Hitch, My Big Fat Greek Wedding (had already seen but was worth the re-watch), Cinderella Man, and Beyond the Sea. Let me know if you have any suggestions for uplifting, relaxing, or funny films that I may not have seen. I like movies that have good character development and are well-written. I also love to laugh and crying can be therapeutic... so put on your thinking caps.

Books... well, I am reading 3 books simultaneously right now (Tender at the Bone - Ruth Reichl, Naked - David Sedaris, and The Professor and the Madman - Simon Winchester) ... I realize now that I'm reading all non-fiction. This is unusal for me... though I to gravitate towards books that have a narrative tone and these have that in common. If you have other reccs let me know... I am a librarian so I have a storehouse of books I have yet to read, but I'm always open to suggestions.

There you have it... my 3 prong approach... swimming, movies, books... now I know I'll get bored with this soon... next skydiving??? xoS

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wanting to feel carefree....

Ok, so I've been gone for awhile. Been doing some life re-examination and my work has taken up about 80% of my time. Busy, busy summer's end. Have a car for the first time in my entire life so am re-learning my deft driving skills... Probably the most frustrating thing is my health has not been happy with my workaholic schedule. I was just about to pack up and move to one of Money Magazine's best places to live. I feel like downsizing our entire life.... cutting our belongings in half... working part-time (HA!). ...only fleeting thoughts, but not entirely unfounded. I think that life has been just a little too breakneck of late. So that, in a nutshell, is what has been up, down and all around... xoS